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Online Programs >> Abacus Online Program

Navakosh Abacus Live Online Program

Navakosh AbacusLive online Program: This program is for all the students’ across world especially who are not part of Navakosh school Eduaction Program. Anyone can access our Pre-Recorded online classroom video and learn our subjects. For every 15 days a expert will clarify the doubts.

Abacus for kids( Elementary Abacus)

Module 1
Total hours: 20hrs
Starting Age group: 8 years
Starting grade: 1st and above
Fee: 1199/-

Module 2
Total hours: 25hrs
Starting Age group: 9 years
Starting grade: 2nd and above
Fee: 1499/-

Module 3
Total hours: 30hrs
Starting Age group: 10 years
Starting grade: 3rd and above
Fee: 1999/-

Advance Abacus

Module 4
Total hours: 35hrs
Starting Age group: Above 12 years
Starting grade: 4th and above
Fee: 2499/-